Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

My First Impression at Gunadarma University

The first time decided to continue the study, on my mind is just a very good akreditation campus but at a price that I can reach. I started to googling with the keyword "universities ranking in Indonesia". Then I see one by one the history of the existing campus-rated rating. The fifth at that time is Gunadarma University. So I read a profile and the history of Gunadarma University. Also described therein accreditation and various convenience fee that can be obtained. like cost that does not comply with the rating given the cost that is on other campuses that are ranked top 10, all of which I can not reach. That's the first thing that interests me.

Furthermore, many friends from various backgrounds that make me feel at home on campus. Because Gunadarma not only interested by one race or class or specific people, but instead from Sabang to Merauke Gunadarma has become one of the campus is well known that demand all over Indonesia, it makes this campus has students from various tribes and races in Indonesia.
Gunadarma have things really in love by the students in general. As UG Magazine, it was published each 5th and the 20th every month. Which usually contain the things that happen arround of campus and the things that happened in Indonesia are up to date

The next interesting thing is the Internet Lounge. This is a campus facility provided free of charge to students who want to access anything from the Internet. Gunadarma WI FI so helpful for students who do not already have a modem to be able to access anything from the internet. It's so I use to do the tasks given by the lecturer.

Competitions are often held by the campus, did not escape my excerpts from about interesting things on this campus. It is not just about academic competition but various types of competition that can be followed by students who are less interested in academics, the arts and creativity in other competitions. This shows that the campus Gunadarma appreciate any excess which is owned by students. So far, so my experience of the interesting things I have ever experienced during my time as a student (still 8 months) on the campus of the University of Gunadarma.

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