Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


        Trash that i mean is waste liquid or solid material that is not used anymore and the exhaust. Waste in Indonesia has contributed to many problems, we can find garbage strewn everywhere, even one of the online media mentioned that the level of environmental pollution due to waste management in Indonesia, like the cancer had entered stage IV, could only be resolved by amputation. this proves that this problem has become a very serious problem that should be handled quickly by certain parties, But do not forget, should be coupled with community concern for this issue is not prolonged.

Here are some of the problems that have been posed by the waste:


Some of the cities in Indonesia has become a subscription-flood every year. such as some areas in Jakarta. 60% -70% of flooding caused by rubbish, this is evident if the rains hit the city of Jakarta with the flood soon be over several areas, which are located adjacent to the famous time and again in Jakarta, such as time Ciliwung and others. this is nothing but rubbish caused by buildup which blocks the flow of water, so the water evaporates and the flooding of certain areas. Flooding has also caused many casualties.

Potential health hazards posed by waste are diarrheal diseases, respiratory disorders in typhoid, cholera, skin diseases (fungal), a disease that can spread through the food chain, all the spread of the virus originating from the garbage that is not managed properly. And all these diseases is a dangerous disease that has caused many fatalities.


Management aims to convert waste into valuable material also makes it economical and does not harm the environment. Here are some ways we can do to manage waste.
disposal method

Can be done by:
Hoarding land, This method is the most popular method in the world. With this method someone makes a landfill with buried into the ground. character design from the hoarding of land which include a modern waste water collection methods using clay material or plastic coating.
Burning, conducted by individuals or by industry in large scale. This can be done for solid waste, locate and gas. Pengkremasian known as a practical way to dispose of some types of hazardous waste, for example, medical waste (biological waste). But lately become controversial because it raises the combustion air pollution.

Recycling Methods 
Physical reprocessing, This method is the most popular activities of recycling, namely collecting and reusing waste disposed, for example, collected the used bottles back for reuse. The collection can be made ​​from trash that has been separated from the beginning (the trash / junk vehicle specific), or from waste that has been mixed.
Biological treatment, organic waste materials, such as plant matter, food scraps or paper, can be processed using biological processes for compost, or known as pengkomposan.Hasilnya is compost that can be used as fertilizer and methane gas that can be used to generate electricity.
Energy recovery, recycling through the "heat treatment" varies from using it as fuel for cooking or heating up to use it to heat up boilers to produce steam and electricity from the turbine-generator
Avoidance and reduction methods, An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste substances are formed, or also known as "waste reduction". Methods of prevention include the reuse of used goods, repair of damaged goods, designing products that can be refilled or can be reused (such as cotton shopping bags to replace plastic bags), encouraging consumers to avoid using disposable items (eg tissue paper), and designing products that use fewer materials for the same function.

          In addressing the waste problem, the government must take an important role. A lot of good things that have been ordered by the government but does not run properly. So the government just need firmness in carrying out all laws that have been made ​​so that our common desire to realization well. I strongly suggest that the transport of waste in properly and evenly into force in Indonesia, especially Jakarta.

Reference : Wikipedia and Google

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Grief Nation

Quake quake again .... again ...
Tsunami quake in Wasior was not enough...
another tsunami in the Mentawai,
all screaming, all softly,
where is my mother, where is my father?
where are my brother and my sister?
where are my friends?
where is my house?
must be where I am now?
there is cruel water around me,
nothing is familiar,
who is my best friend now?
be merciful to me
That screams of children of the nation today.

Trim, trim...
many souls have been torn by you
Our property has been damaged,
not once you're a blast of hot smoke,
with the spirit you erupt again, erupt again.
spewing hot clouds again and again,
I've had enough.

Oh God ...
Thou who created the earth and everything in it,
You are mastered all of them,
maybe nature is mad at us because of ignorance of our hands,
we ask forgiveness of God,
we pray for this nature control,
We know this gesture, it's a sign from you.
Our sins have been more than the tsunami in Wasior, more than the tsunami in Mentawai and more from trim in Yogyakarta,
God... forgive us!
again give us the opportunity to maintain this nature,
let all the storm was no longer,
allow Indonesia to smile again
allow this nation rise up again
for Indonesia to become a nation like that You desire 
even Indonesia a nation, a role model of all nations.


      Whether our country has really rise? If judged by social welfare, This country is far from word rise, may even be said that the country is increasingly bankrupt. During leave New Order period and went in the Reformation era, Indonesian nation trip is always tinged moral bankruptcy and desperation of the people. The history of the world will not escape the history of elite, many people say that the nation of Indonesia has not risen, they are say that we are lazy nation. But in reality many people who are still working hard until the early hours.This means its name "resurrection of national elites", people are increasingly difficult, the elites was ruling.

      character of the people of Indonesia are the people who are sincere and wish to be guided by the government to be able to get out of the shackles of economic hardship.In my opinion Indonesian society has be revived for long time. How we made ​​it through the crisis of 1998, that means our people have revived for long time.But the elites and governments complicates the people living, such as informal sector workers do not earn incentive, a lot of products imported from China, Indonesia still has not come out of the crisis of leadership. In other countries many people are not as good mental Indonesia, but it is a quality leader that affect both the welfare of society.Therefore it is proper government to not only commemorate "Harkitnas" ceremonially.

       I want to urge that we all interpret Harkitnas as a passion and motivation to develop the nation. Independence, still leaves a big homework still to be fought jointly by the nation. Injustice, poverty, and underdevelopment of education is the responsibility of the future generation to finish. build the next generation of education or who have intellect and morals be better. All we had do to build a community of dignity, cultured and align with other nations.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Want to Call Your Name Forever

When I fell down, when i prostrate
not easy to say thanks,
it's really not fair,
but it is thing that i believe,
its will change my life
It will become a better person when that dream has come,
All I go through,
by calling your name

The problem that you allow to go through by me,
will I encounter,
with the way that You learn to me.
I can not deny,
many blessings that you give
Jokes, laughter, friends, family,
is a complete blessing I have
I can't to close my eyes,
because many people don't have it
in grateful I call Your name.

Let me and them,
still can call Your name,
until one day i will share my dream,
to those who really love me,
until one day i will share my dream,
to their who with me joys and sorrows,
to those faithful give me strong.
until i say thanks
on every person who ever with me.

Let still I call your name,
until i encounter You.
Your name has power over my life,
i still want to call Your name,
in Your name I put on my prayers.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


Will not run out words to define love
Many people adore love
Because love make him happy
But there is also an insult
because love had made ​​him sick

For me love is sacrifice,
Because of love Jack was willing to die for Rose (Titanic)
Because of love Romeo suicide...
Because of love i was born...
because love, i can to college
Its my parents love,
they make sacrifices for their love,
very hard, they fight for their love
They love me so much.

Easy come, easy go
love is unavoidable
where there is heart there is love
old, young, whoever have a love
because love doesn't about age, status or position
because love is sacrifice.

Life without love  
like the garden did not bloom
that's said by poet,
but for me, no life without Love,

If someone still hurt by love  
if there is still cursed love
it's means that they have blasphemed life,
they love someone no sincere, 
because the true love is unlimited sacrifice
because love is sacrifice.